Min tale til min søsters bryllup



When I was 7 years old I was given the biggest gift of all, everything a big girl could ask for… 

a sweet little blond …


A beautiful little pony which I named SITTA. I loved her to bits. I played with her every day and I promised to take care of her for the rest of my life.. 

Little did I know that this gift was nothing but a big cover up. Behind this wonderful dream come true our parents introduced me to this little side-gift. 

A little sister! 

And not just A little sister… a pretty special one actually. Laura you started out as a sweet little baby but just as I was getting used to having you around, you grew bigger and stronger and your personality started to shine through. 

And not just any personality. A pretty special one actually. As you have been told an unaccounted number of times.. you were not just any child. You were quite a handful. You knew how to get your way and you knew how to handle the things that got in your way. …And you also knew how to get your big sister IN your way, the way you wanted.

You would quite literally just pull me by my hair and not let go until mom would come and safe what ever hair was left on my head. 

I loved you through it all. 

Through hair, blod and tears. 

And tears were not uncommon. You would use the power of your cry to get what you wanted. And you wanted a lot of things, But most of all you did not want anybody to leave you. So if dad would leave to go out for a job out of his homeoffice you would cry for hours until he was back home again. Nothing could stop you from wishing your cry would have superpowers. 

And why should you?

You did have super powers. You were able to have the whole world pending around your center. With your beautiful blond curly hair, tanned skin, blue eyes and a smile that could melt ice. You were the most adorable little…

wolf in a lambskin..

But what a wulf. You were fearless. You would seek challenges and jump out from spots high of the ground and often forget to ask for a catch. 

You were fearless!

And you loved to play with your older sister. Ride the swings, higher and higher. 

Until that one time the swing broke a line in the middle of a trip to the moon and you flew off and landed quite an emergency landing on.. earth. Head first and had a tear in your backhead. It was bleeding. And I was shaking as I lifted you up and ran in to get help. 

While mom was fetching her keys to go to the emergency room for a stitch up, you looked up at me with tears streaming down your cheeks and asked : 

“Heidi, what color is the brain?” 

You knew one thing of the brain, that was, it was best kept inside that good head of yours. 

Luckily you did not lose that good caring empathetic creative brain of yours. You kept it all inside, just to let your creativity spread joy and love on your friends and family throughout your grown up life. 

Me and my family – with all your nieces and nephews, have so often enjoyed your beautiful creativity.

You have spoiled us with homemade gifts, carnival costumes and even made your big sister beautiful advent calendars. Once I thought I would be the one taking care of you for the rest of my life, but it seems, I have had my hands full and for quite some years its been the other way around. You are always there for us. Not too fond of the job of babysitting but here to be a true moster who is funny, caring and not least very, actually extremely, embarrassing. Just ask Filippa, – who by the way loves you for being so perfectly political incorrect once In a while.

Laura when you introduced us to Matteo, we all agreed that you are made for eachother. Not only can he make you happy, he will stay with you, challenge you and give you superpowers. And you will cover him with all your love, fun and creativity.

He knows the way to your heart and he knows how to fit into our crazy family. 

He is made for us too. 

Together with the two of you, we share a very special thing.. the power of laughter. 

You might have met the only foreigner who’s more ironic and danish than most danes and on top he has that special italian twist that just makes him even better.

I love what you two give each other, but even more, I love what you two are – for all of us.

I thank you for saying yes to all of us Matteo.

And I thank you for saying yes to my sister <3


I have two more things on my heart before I finish. First I want to make a big toast to Laura and Matteo and secondly I want to come back after the toast and give back some of your creativity.

Lets make a Toast

Laura and Matteo

And then the Mannequin Challenge <3


The post Min tale til min søsters bryllup appeared first on MEYERMOR.